Ideal Depth And Table For Round Diamond Size Chart

By | July 2, 2024

Essential Aspects of Ideal Depth and Table for Round Diamond Size Chart

When it comes to choosing a round diamond, understanding the ideal depth and table percentages is crucial. These measurements significantly impact the diamond's brilliance, fire, and scintillation. By considering these factors, you can select a diamond that will maximize its beauty and brilliance while ensuring a wise investment.

Depth Percentage

The depth percentage refers to the height of the diamond from the culet to the table, expressed as a percentage of the diamond's width (diameter). The ideal depth percentage range for round diamonds is between 58% and 62.5%. Diamonds with a depth percentage within this range are considered "well-cut" and exhibit optimal light performance.

Diamonds with a depth percentage below 58% are considered "shallow." Shallow diamonds tend to have a large table and a smaller culet, resulting in less brilliance and fire. Light escapes out of the sides of the diamond instead of being reflected within the stone.

Diamonds with a depth percentage above 62.5% are considered "deep." Deep diamonds have a dark appearance due to excessive light leakage from the bottom of the diamond. They often have a small table and a large culet, which further reduces their brilliance and sparkle.

Table Percentage

The table percentage represents the size of the flat surface at the top of the diamond. It is expressed as a percentage of the diamond's diameter. The ideal table percentage for round diamonds is between 54% and 58%. Diamonds with a table percentage within this range balance brilliance, fire, and scintillation.

Diamonds with a table percentage below 54% are considered "small table" diamonds. Small table diamonds have a larger crown and smaller pavilion, resulting in reduced brilliance. Light is not effectively reflected within the diamond and instead escapes out of the sides.

Diamonds with a table percentage above 58% are considered "large table" diamonds. Large table diamonds have a smaller crown and larger pavilion, which can make them appear dark and lifeless. Light is easily lost through the large table, reducing the diamond's brilliance and fire.

Combination of Ideal Depth and Table

The combination of ideal depth and table percentages is essential for maximizing a round diamond's brilliance, fire, and scintillation. Diamonds that fall within the ideal ranges for both depth and table percentage are highly desirable and will showcase their beauty to the fullest extent.


Understanding the ideal depth and table percentages is crucial when selecting a round diamond. Diamonds with well-balanced depth and table percentages between 58% and 62.5% for depth and 54% and 58% for table will exhibit exceptional brilliance, fire, and scintillation. By considering these factors, you can choose a diamond that will not only be a beautiful addition to your jewelry but also a wise investment that will retain its value for years to come.

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